Advanced technology has improved all sectors and industries including web design services. Nowadays, it’s quite easier to design and build a website even with no coding knowledge and skills. Even if you don’t have basic knowledge about programming ,you are now able to build your own website by using many great online tools such as WordPress.

Essential questions to ask during a consultation with a web designer

However, the truth is that designing a website that works well for you and your business still needs knowledge and experience in such a competitive world. 

As such, if you don’t have enough knowledge and experience, you must choose a professional web design agency to get your website built.

As the website design cost in Dubai is relatively high, you must choose the right web designer for your project by asking smart questions. 

Let’s see what are the most important questions you must ask during your consultation meeting with a web design service provider.

The most important questions to ask from your web designer

In order to avoid the most common web design mistakes, make sure to ask below questions and see if the responses suit your requirements.

1- How much market experience do you have?

Industry experience is incredibly valuable in every industry including web design. It is more likely that you will have a shining website, if you work with an experienced web design firm. As such, you must be clear about how long they have been in the market.

2- What type of websites have you designed so far?

As an example for your better understanding, assume that you are after building an ecommerce website, but the designer you are talking to has only designed informative websites! In that case, you will be better off not working with that designer. As a rule of thumb, if the designer has built websites similar to your niche and industry, you can rest assured that you are in good hands! Hence,make sure the designer work experience is the same or similar to what you are after. 

3- How will you conduct your research for my web design project?

Your website must be attractive for users and visitors at the end of the day. This is the main goal of doing all the efforts to design a website for your business. As such, a comprehensive research must be conducted to fully understand your targeted audiences’ preferences, habits and requirements. Your web design project must be started, once such a research is in place, so your web site will be designed accordingly. If you don’t know what UX research is, make yourself familiar with it, as it is one of the building blocks of a professional website. 

4- Will you optimize my website for SEO?

important questions to ask during a consultation with a web designer

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the most important component of your website, so your website must be optimized for SEO from the very beginning day of your web design project. Web Design SEO optimization is nothing to be added at the end of the project. Make yourself familiar with the SEO procedure in Dubai and ask how they will be optimizing your website for SEO.

5- How long the project takes and how much does it cost? 

It’s very important to finalize a time frame and set a budget for your project with the designer. You must ask strict questions about the time and cost and must expect precise answers respectively. Failing to do so, you may end up with a prolonged and costly project.

6- How and with whom will I be in contact throughout the project life time

You must make sure that your contact person in the web design team is reasonably available for communication about the project when needed. Also, make sure you have access to the communication platform they are using for information exchange. Though, some designers use emails to communicate, which is OK as long as it doesn’t take so long for them to respond.

7- Will I get ownership of my website?

Make sure to ask this question and also ensure that their answer is a big YES! It is very important to get your website full ownership at the end of the project for the sake of having full control on your website.


It is not an easy task to find a web designer for your website design project. You must make yourself familiar with the web design process and the essentials for a website. Also, having a full understanding of your business, your goals and what you want from your website is crucial when looking for a web designer. However, working with reputable web design firms in Dubai who have extensive experience in the market is much safer, even if it costs you more.

Websima DMCC, as one of the leading digital service providers in the UAE market with a proven track record of success, is always happy to help, if you are in need.

Contact us with confidence and book for your free consultation meeting to discuss your project further. We are fully committed to provide you with the best solution possible for your project.


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