Content creation is the most important part of a SEO plan. Internet users look for their needs by writing them down in search bars. Hence, a proper content that is crafted based on the internet users’ search intent and in compliance with search engine’s best practices, would get the job done for you and push your website up on the main search engine result pages. As such, quality content, or in other words a SEO-friendly content is one of the main factors for a website to thrive. Hence, it is highly recommended to be vigilant on the content you publish in your website, as the website development cost in Dubai is relatively high and failing to provide a quality content will damage your website and all the money you have invested. 

What is SEO-Friendly Content?

What is SEO-Friendly Content

It refers to the art of writing content that pushes search engines to rank it higher on their result pages. SEO in general, is a range of gold standards and best practices to comply with, in order to rank higher on major search engines like Google. That’s the same thing for an SEO-friendly content that must be written in compliance with the best practices. Even though some digital marketers and also newcomers think that a content that is stuffed with keywords would do the job to improve your rank on SERPs, we would like to assure you that SEO-friendly content takes much more effort to be crafted.

How to create SEO-Friendly content?

It doesn’t matter whether you want to create your website content by yourself or leave it with a professional SEO service and  web design company in Dubai, it is highly recommended to get yourself familiar with the main factors that shape a SEO-friendly content. Let’s dive deep and see what elements really matter.

  • Understand the search intent

understanding users’ intention of searching for keywords helps a lot in selecting the right keywords for your content

Internet users have an intent when they search for a keyword. For instance, a searched keyword like website design and development services, is most probably coming from users who are planning to build a website. Hence, a digital service company can target such a keyword in order to get traffic from quality audiences. As such, understanding users’ intention of searching for keywords helps a lot in selecting the right keywords for your content.  

  • Use Headlines and Sub-Headlines

Splitting a text by using headlines and sub-headlines, make it convenient for users to read through textual content. It makes them capable of skimming the text and looking for what they are really after. That’s exactly the same for crawling bots. It will be easier for them to crawl the whole content and understand what it is all about. Hence, it adds value from both users and crawlers perspective. 

  • Build inbound and outbound links

Link building is another crucial factor, when it comes to crafting SEO-Friendly content. It helps users to get more information if interested, so they will be staying longer on your website when following your quality and relevant internal links. On the other hand, they can check the resources that you get info from, to make sure they are coming from a reputable source of information. That would add extra reputation to your website from users’ point of view as well as crawler bots.

  • Choose appropriate keywords

Keywords, like their name suggests, play a key role in the quality of a content. You must choose your keywords with care, in order to be relevant to the subject and are frequently searched by internet users. As a rule of thumb, you must be informed that it is very difficult to get good ranks on short keywords. For instance, if you sell shoes on your online store, choosing “shoes in Dubai”, will not get you where you are targeting. However, “shoes for elderly people” or “kids shoes for school”, might be a better keyword for your online shoe store.

  • Optimize the length of your content

Internet users are not tolerant enough to read through long textual content. On the other hand, a very short content will not provide precise and complete information for internet users, so it won’t look professional and trustworthy. As such, the content must be optimized in terms of its length to deliver your message in detail and doesn’t make your visitors bored at the same time.

  • Image Optimization 

You must make sure to include relevant images into your content. A content with no visuals doesn’t look professional to users. Besides, most internet users don’t feel like reading a long textual content with no image. Therefore, high quality images with a proper alt tag would add great value in terms of SEO to your content. However, make sure to optimize the images size without sacrificing the quality, as heavy images would slow down your webpage loading speed, which is a negative point from SEO point of view.


If you want your website to thrive, it is crucial to publish quality and SEO-friendly content from time to time based on your website and business type and model. There are quite a few important things that you must pay attention to, as writing a SEO-Friendly content is not about spraying keywords into your textual content. 

To be on top of the market, it is highly recommended to either make yourself a guru in terms of writing quality content or work with a professional digital marketing service provider to leave it in their capable hands. 

Here at Websima DMCC, we are always happy to help. Feel free to contact us and book for a free consultation meeting. We are committed to provide the best solution for our clients and help them to get where they are deserved to be. 

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